In this class, Yin Yin gave us an assignment that had to be done by the 1st of May. We all got a different font and we had to research it. With the information you gathered, you had to make a little video. The font I had to research is Gill Sans. Here are some snapshots of my end result and the link to the whole video.
This lesson Yin Yin gave a briefing about the final project we are going to do for her subject. The assignment is called 'A Typpographical Map of your Room'.
Individual Pages Renate
System Interface user
System of Communication
System of Representation
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Typographical Map 1
My first look at my room. I noticed that there were a lot of rectangular shapes in my room so I started to list all of the rectangular shaped things in my room. I thought of making a box which would represent my room with the rectangular shapes inside. I looked up some fonts with a bit of a rectangular feel and wanted to do something with that.

Yin Yin her feedback was to make it more specifically to my room since a lot of stuff in everyones room is probably rectangular. She also mentioned that I could maybe think of letting go the box metaphor.
Week 4
Typographical Map 2
I noticed that I did not really enjoy looking so closely into detail of measuring most things in my room. I actually do not really care about my room at all. It is just a space to sleep in and keep my stuff.
That is when I decided to think of a visual that is more objective. I thought of the scans they use to see what is inside peoples baggage at the airport and took that as my main inspiration. I looked at my cabinet and chose to visualise everything and the things you cannot see because they are hidden, are visualised also with typography. I chose to visualise the things you cannot see with typography, since typography is also not something that you can see unless you right it down. The objects hidden you cannot see until you look in the box or get something out of the way.

On the right you can see some inspiration. When you scroll down you can see my end result and some of close ups of it.